Why Developers Hate UI?

Functionality is the real deal, the rest is just cosmetics!?

Vishal Mehta
2 min readJun 4, 2022


A man with expressions of hate
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Developers — programmers traditionally have a binary mindset.

Yes and No.

OK and Cancel.

Input and Output.

Zeros and Ones.

Measurable objectivity resides in coding algorithms, business logic and data exchange routines.

The measure is what developers like about systems programming — there’s hardly room for opinions. Almost everything can be equated to right or wrong. The psychology is of progress — it’s easier to determine and observe.

On the other hand, the UI aspect of software — good or bad — is so subjective that most developers find it unappealing without knowing it as the reason.

They believe that choosing a font that is more appropriate for a UI is a matter of opinion than a calculated science. Developers do not like to take UI decisions because there are no specific rules that they can absorb and apply.

Developers store plenty of data in their heads while working — that’s required for programming complex software. However, for a good UI, minute detailing and…



Vishal Mehta

2x Top Writer • Dreamer with a third eye 📸 • I write about my observations, opinions, and experiences.